Temporary change tram service

Dear customers,
as a result of the construction works on Bubenské nábřeží, will be no tram service between Vltavská – Dělnická from 26 September to 15 December 2022.
How to get to us?
- You can get to the stop Vltavská by tram n. 12 toward from Sídliště Barrandov and tram n. 14 toward from Spořilov, or with metro C and walk from this spot approx 700 m to Holešovická Tržnice.
- You can use the alternative bus service X25 during the day, which take you to Holešovická Tržnice (in Jateční streert beyond the intersection with the street U Garáží). This stop is approx 500 m from ShowPark.
- You can also use the taxi, which take you directly to ShowPark.
You can check more information via website just here.